Society is the fundamental pillar for the preservation of the environment, since it depends on the behavior of all of us who have a sustainable future. From ACC we carry out campaigns for the selective collection of waste and awareness, preparation of teaching materials, support to educational centers and administrations, etc.


Environmental awareness campaigns allow the population to transmit certain values ​​or duties to fulfill in order to improve the management of an environmental service or to sensitize them to any problem. Our company creates customized awareness campaigns, adjusting them to the needs of the client and the messages that they want to transmit to the target population or public.


We design all types of communicative materials with environmental content and sustainable criteria, to transmit to the public the needs in the face of an environmental problem or just to transmit environmental messages. The design of them allows to reach the target audience in a more direct way.


We carry out campaigns of civic agents to improve coexistence in our towns and cities. Our agents work to solve different environmental problems, such as the correct segregation of waste or dog droppings. Their work allows to raise awareness and sensitize citizens.


We have highly qualified personnel to publicize the different natural areas of our country. Our guides apart from showing the most beautiful landscapes and places allow the user to know more about it, such as its flora and fauna or gastronomy. Come with us to enjoy our natural environment, in a sustainable and responsible way.


We develop environmental workshops to address any environmental problem or project, allowing users to obtain a high knowledge of the subject and promote actions.

In this sense, these workshops are also designed for companies, which can work on different environmental projects, conducting self-awareness workshops and strengthening work groups.



C/ Jaume Munmany, 29
08500 Vic
Phone: (+34) 938 857 272
Mobile: (+34) 649 171 776
Email: acc@ambientals.com
Website: www.ambientals.com

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